MSDS from Heynau Antriebstechnik GmbH

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MSDS from Heynau Antriebstechnik GmbH, eingegangen am 05.08.2010.
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Anfrage MSDS from Heynau Antriebstechnik GmbH vom 05.08.2010
Text zur Anfrage Dear Madam / Sir, My name is Manole Georgiana and I'm from Schaeffler Romania. We are currently working on a database with materials and substances called Substance Management System which is required by the entire Schaeffler Group. I have a few requests and it would be great if you could help me. We need Material Safety Data Sheets for the following substance: - de; Heynau-Longlife-Oil We already have copies of these materials but they are outdated.Please send us the newest versions available in german language. We would be grateful if you sent us files in .pdf format, since this is the standard file format for our database. Also, please send us files that do not exceed 500KB in size. Large files take up large amount of server disk space and also take time to download. Thank you in advance. Ing. Manole Georgiana Schaeffler Gruppe Aleea Schaeffler nr.3, Romania,Brasov Referent Umweltdatamanagement HR-CSC E-mail
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